About the Artist
Originally born in Las Vegas, NV raised in the country of Minnesota then living in the city of Minneapolis before moving to Atlanta suburbs; my up bringing and new life in Georgia all play into how I became a Cosmetic Tattoo Artist.
I formerly bartended in 2019 prior to Covid and unfortunately that income fell through. Looking for a new way to financially support myself allowed me to learn about PMU. I have been an artist since I was a child; I love drawing, water colors, and other creative outlets. So it’s no surprise I ended up getting into PMU as I adore drawing my own eyebrows. Once I learned more about the industry and how to provide these services I haven’t looked back! I also offer tattoos; I am thrilled to offer this service since drawing is one of my very first hobbies. I ride motorcycles, work on my bikes, ride horses, trained my own horse, gave horse lessons, welded in highschool, play video games and give myself projects for my home or find new hobbies. I LOVE to stay busy and be creative. I also enjoy meeting new people through this business and love to chat with clients and learn about them. If you ever have any questions feel free to use my contact forms and reach out!

What was my inspiration?
Tint of Beauty came from the word “hint”
– a very small trace of something –
as cosmetic tattooing now can provide a more natural appearance to your beauty regime versus previously tattooing Brows/Lips use to be so harsh and dark. Now you can increase your lip color and brows naturally; allowing you to wake up and no makeup!
Lips and Brows really bring a face “together” and balanced. Filled in brows that fit the ratio of your face will give you the confidence you have been wanting! Lip Blush allows us to go about 2mm outside your lip area to create the appearance of fuller lips without injections! Dark Lip correction is a great alternative to using lightening creams, brightening smokers lips/blue or purple lips IS possible without making them appear unnatural.
Providing clients a custom pigment choice and mapping everyday is truly a passion of mine. I enjoy and adore seeing my clients become more confident. I hope I can help you with whatever insecurities or concerns you currently have and give you the look you’re seeking.